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7 Reasons Why Digital Publishing is the best Model to Expand Your Service Business

The Internet is a big place that continues to grow at a substantial rate and diversify every year. There are currently over 4 billion users on the Internet today, and more than 1.95 billion websites that, as a business owner you’ll have to compete with. With more than 40,000 Google searches happening every second, it's important to find a way to gain the attention of these potential customers. In today's 24/7 connected world, getting in front of the right customers at the right time can be a challenge.

Knowing how your target audience engages with their favorite brands and the things that influence them to buy are the keys to growing your online business. Unfortunately there are some common things that keep many businesses from realizing the results they hope for when they attempt to grow their business in this new and competitive landscape.

1. Starting with a poor or non-existent business plan
2. Not taking the time to validate their business idea
3. Not effectively marketing the business
4. Providing poor customer service
5. Not having the right processes for growth
6. Avoiding social media because they don’t think their customers are on it
7. Not staying in touch with your customers

Fortunately, you can avoid many of these same mistakes and by taking the right actions today, you can put yourself on the path to success with your business as you're getting started. In this article, we'll cover 7 reasons why the digital publishing business model is the best approach to establishing and expanding your service business.

Why Should You Choose the Digital Publishing Business Model

Setting up and expanding your business online is becoming known as the best way to achieve success quickly. Using other models often involves more risk with longer time horizons. There are numerous advantages that digital publishing has over other models, and here are seven of them.

#1 - It’s Cheaper
By setting up an online presence for your business, you have almost no upfront costs. A service like Samex allows you to create your website and have all the management tools for selling and supporting customers; and all that you pay for is hosting. In contrast, setting up a physical business requires significant expense and possibly even a loan.

#2 - It’s Easier
With the digital publishing business model, you can make heavy use of automation and software tools to make your life a whole lot easier. You can automate email responses, social media posts, and even your marketing efforts. If you don't have the technical expertise, it's not too challenging to learn what's needed. Especially when using an all-in-one platform. Another approach you can take to make things easier is you can also let freelancers do the work for you.

#3 - You can be Open 24/7
Unlike physical businesses, online websites are open 24/7. This means that customers can purchase from your site or read your blog at all times. You can also work whenever you want, on your schedule.  The site is never closed. The people you hire to complete projects can also work while you are asleep or relaxing.

#4 - Your Audience is Global
With the digital publishing business model, people can find your site from anywhere in the world. According to all the latest statistics, more and more people are going online for purchases. This means that you have a massive audience and many ways to reach them.

#5 - It’s Easier to Scale
Online companies are often far easier to scale compared to physical businesses. The site capacity can be easily increased to accommodate increased traffic. You can also use paid search methods to gain traffic. You can create how-to eBooks, courses to teach and empower your customers to do certain items themselves, and it does not cost anything to duplicate them and keep selling.

#6 - Speed
Many service businesses grow only through word-of-mouth referrals. When you move your service business into the realm of digital publishing, you can grow very rapidly with the right marketing methods. Once, it would take decades to become a millionaire or years to simply acquire a good income. But it is possible to earn a good income using the digital publishing model in a much shorter time frame, especially if you're using the different scaling methods shared above.

#7 - Freedom and Flexibility
Digital publishing businesses are so much easier to manage as there are more options available. Brick and mortar companies are limited to the people in the immediate region in terms of customers. You're also limited to the skills of the employees that they hire. When you move your service into the digital publishing business model, there is more that you can do to expand the business and it is possible to hire freelancers on short term contracts.

Final Words

Of course, there are still elements of your service business that must be done in-person and not every aspect can be digitally transformed. However, when this transformation is done correctly, you'll free up 50% of your time or more, scale quickly and be able to focus on what matters most - providing the best service and value to your customers.

There's a long way and a short way to complete this transformation for your service business. The long way? Trying to figure out everything yourself, only to go around in circles. All that time wasted could have been put into something more worthwhile.

Want to know the short cut instead?

Good news!

Clearly, AI has revolutionized the world. Businesses are adopting the technology to bring innovation to the service industry and people are using the technology to simplify their daily lives, look for information or to simply get entertained. So wouldn't it make sense for you to get in front of these consumers so you can finally get some results in your business?

Regardless of your industry you only have 24 hours a day, no more and no less. Therefore, your goal should be to create the most opportunities and profit possible with the least amount of time. So, take the time to design your own path to growth. So you know exactly what steps to take next and where to focus your efforts.

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